Labour Research (February 2014)


Employment Tribunal claims

Tactics and precedents

Naomi Cunningham and Michael Reed (fourth revised edition), Legal Action Group, 448 pages, paperback, £38.00

Regular followers of the Employment Tribunal Claims blog by barrister Naomi Cunningham and Michael Reed of the Free Representation Unit will be very pleased to see this updated edition of Employment Tribunal Claims — tactics and precedents.

So will the many trade union reps, legal practitioners, volunteer representatives and unrepresented litigants who rely on Legal Action Group guides to prepare and present their claims to the employment tribunal.

There can be few experiences in life more stressful and unpleasant for unrepresented litigants than confronting their former employer across an employment tribunal.

This book is well-timed, with the removal of public funding for all forms of employment dispute resulting in many more individuals unable to access legal advice before bringing their claim, and an even more yawning gap in the resources available to employers and workers in the employment tribunal.

Written in clear, practical language and packed with worked examples, the step-by-step approach will help give litigants the confidence firstly, to decide whether to litigate at all — frankly acknowledged by the authors as “almost always a bad idea” — and secondly, to navigate through each stage of the tribunal process.

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