Workplace Report (June 2008)

Health & safety news

Safety reps rights: No. 3: Inspections (Regulations 5 and 6)

The Safety Representatives and Safety Committees Regulations came into force nearly 30 years ago, in October 1978. Workplace Report is running a regular column this year highlighting the important rights won.

Inspections of the workplace are a key function of a safety rep. The regulations allow for inspections every three months, but reps have to notify their employer in writing of their intention to do so.

Inspections can take place more frequently in certain circumstances, such as a substantial change in the conditions of work (e.g. after the introduction of new machinery) or because the Health and Safety Executive has published new information on a particular hazard. Inspections are also permitted after notifiable accidents, occurrences and diseases.

Inspections can take a variety of forms, such as tours, sampling and surveys, and can be carried out by a number of reps at different times.

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