Workplace Report (July 2022)

Bargaining news

Trust scores with interim pay rise

The Canal and River Trust has come good with an early pay rise for its 1,600 staff. Recognising the very difficult times workers are facing, it has just awarded an average of 4%, in advance of autumn pay talks.

A £1,000 minimum uplift to salaries means 5% for the lowest-paid while a third (whose basic pay is below £25,000) received more than 4%. The maximum uplift of £2,000 meant some higher earners got less.

Unite and UNISON were representing members in talks with the organisation over future working arrangements when both sides recognised that staff were feeling the pressure of inflation. Andrew Dobbie, UNISON national officer, said: “The trust came up with this in-year increase as a way to support staff quickly, before we have the full pay talks according to the usual timetable. They did so as a good employer, understanding the problems and doing something concrete about it.”

The development chimes with recent reports by the Bank of England’s agents, that a significant minority of companies have been considering mid-year top-ups to pay settlements.

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