Labour Research (February 2006)


Peter Duffy

The Labour Research Department (LRD) is very sad to report the death, at the age of 64, of Peter Duffy, a former editor of Labour Research and LRD Executive Committee member.

Peter joined LRD in June 1967 and worked for the Department for eight years, first as a researcher and from March 1972 as the editor of Labour Research.

While he was editor, sales increased by a third, although he never sought to claim credit for this improvement, saying that it had been a "collective, not personal achievement".

He wrote in detail on union action and activity and was one of the key figures linking the LRD to a growing and more confident trade union movement.

Peter continued to have close ties with the LRD after he left. He went to work first for the Tobacco Workers' Union, and then as a result of union mergers for TASS, and then MSF (now part of Amicus). He was on the Executive from 1976 to 1986 and could be relied on for good advice and strong support.

He was thoughtful and far-sighted and he was always prepared to stand up for what he believed in. There was also no doubt of his commitment to building a fairer and more equal society.

Those who worked with him at the LRD feel his loss keenly.

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