Workplace Report (May 2022)

Equality news

EHRC targets workplaces

Tackling discrimination in the workplace is one of six key priority areas announced by the Equality and Human Rights Commission in a new plan to “improve the lives of everyone in the country as we emerge from the Covid-19 pandemic”.

The EHRC’s strategic plan for 2022 to 2025 sets out its aims for the next three years. Under the heading “equality in a changing workplace”, the commission promises to hold employers to account for discrimination, harassment and victimisation, while helping them achieve equality of opportunity and ensuring workers’ rights are protected by laws and policies.

“The economy and our workplaces have faced upheaval during the pandemic,” says the report. “Changes to the nature of work, including a sudden move to home working for many, and increasing automation, have created challenges for people in relation to conditions, pay and progression in the workplace.”

The other five priority areas are:

• equality for children and young people;

• upholding rights and equality in health and social care;

• addressing the equality and human rights impact of digital services and artificial intelligence;

• fostering good relations and promoting respect between groups; and

• ensuring an effective legal framework to protect equality and human rights.

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