Labour Research November 2022


Rally sends message on crisis

A mass rally co-ordinated by the TUC takes place on 2 November and aims to ensure that every MP hears from workers in their constituency about the reality of the cost-of-living crisis. 

The action is part of the We Demand Better campaign for a £15 minimum wage, a real public sector pay rise, new bargaining rights and a ban on zero hours contracts and fire and rehire. It also demands lower bills and the nationalisation of energy retail, an immediate rise in Universal Credit and pensions, and action to increase women’s pay and stamp out workplace racism.

One in seven people in the UK are skipping meals or going without food, a new TUC poll revealed. 

The MRP poll of 10,000 people showed how the cost-of-living emergency is hitting family budgets in every single parliamentary constituency, and that more government action is needed to raise wages and cut bills.

The GMB general union highlighted that a new Health Foundation analysis revealed that even before the cost-of-living crisis hit, one in five residential care workers in the UK were living in poverty. 

And last month, the Scottish TUC joined forces with the Poverty Alliance to launch the Scotland Demands Better campaign.

Its People’s plan for action sets out nine demands for the Scottish Government, including increasing public sector pay, rent controls, wealth taxes and universal school meals.

It also calls for increased social security payments.