Labour Research June 2003

Features: Health and safety matters

Trade unions win £3 billion in injury compensation

In the last 10 years unions have won £3 billion in personal injury compensation for their members, according to a new TUC report.

Focus on union legal services for injury victims is the 11th annual legal service survey of trade unions carried out by the TUC.

TUC general secretary elect Brendan Barber said: "Union members would prefer an injury free workplace - and if the worst happens they would like to be back at work as fast as possible. When that doesn't happen, they can rely on their union to secure the fairest compensation possible. We would like to make sure accidents are avoided and illness prevented, but until workplaces are safer, we will continue to make sure victims get justice."

The report says that in 2001 unions secured £305 million in personal injury cases for over 39,000 employees. In 2001, unions took on over 53,000 new legal cases - a slight increase (3%) on the previous year.

Stress claims continued to be a major issue, with 2,503 new cases started, and 1,029 asbestos cases taken on.

The report also found that four out of five unions offer legal support to cover their members' families.

The report costs £30 from TUC publications 020 7467 1294 or can be downloaded free from