Workplace Report September 2022

Health & safety news

New toolkit on protecting pregnant workers

The TUC and the Maternity Action charity have published a new toolkit for safety reps and other reps who may be the first point of contact for pregnant workers experiencing problems at work. The TUC says reps have a vital role to play in providing information and support to pregnant members and new mothers, ensuring they understand their rights, and the employer does everything necessary to protect their and their baby’s health. Protecting the health & safety of pregnant workers – A toolkit for trade union reps aims to help ensure the health and safety of pregnant workers is protected from the moment the rep becomes aware that a member is pregnant, to their return to work and beyond. 

The toolkit examines employers’ responsibilities for health and safety; protection for women in casual and insecure employment; what to do when a member tells a rep they are pregnant; risk assessments, suitable alternative work and maternity suspensions; the types of risks affecting pregnant women; and supporting women with breastfeeding and returning to work.