[cover image][72 pages] April 2021
Negotiating the new homeworking landscape - a guide for union reps
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COVID-19 has changed the working lives of millions of people, including many whose work has switched from office to home. As restrictions gradually start to ease, employers, employees and unions are all considering how much home or remote working they want to maintain in the post-pandemic world and how it should be organised. For employees, there are pros and cons of working remotely, and unions will want to ensure that decisions on remote, office or hybrid working are a matter of individual and collective negotiation – not management imposition. This booklet provides union reps with guidance on the issues that should be addressed when negotiating an agreement, such as who pays the costs of homeworking and ensuring remote workers are kept healthy and safe, protected from oppressive monitoring and managed fairly.[More ...]

[cover image][52 pages] December 2020
The National Minimum Wage 2021 - a trade union guide
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Around two million workers in UK are paid the National Minimum Wage (NMW), and its influence on overall pay levels extends much further. But the rules are now changing, with younger age groups about to receive the higher National Living Wage, while progress towards higher overall pay rates has been paused. This guide will help you to understand everything you need to know about the NMW in 2021 including: ▶ what the NMW is, the current rates and who should receive it; ▶ how to check whether someone is being paid the minimum wage or not; ▶ how to report infringements; ▶ the coverage of the NMW and its impact on bargaining; ▶ the direction of travel for NMW policy; ▶ threats to the current NMW from de-regulated work; ▶ why the NMW isn’t high enough; and ▶ how unions are campaigning to raise the wage floor.[More ...]

[cover image][52 pages] June 2020
State support and coronavirus - a trade union guide
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The coronavirus pandemic is having a devastating impact on workers’ lives and jobs. By early June 2020, it had killed over 50,000 people in the UK, including hundreds of workers in essential services and key industries. The crisis has also wreaked havoc on people’s livelihoods, with 8.7 million jobs being furloughed, 2.5 million people needing the special coronavirus help for the self-employed and applications for Universal Credit soaring from 2.8 to 4.2 million. This booklet helps union reps and individuals navigate the complex system of state financial support that is available during the pandemic – in part achieved thanks to TUC pressure. It brings into one easy-to-follow guide the various streams of help provided by the government, including both the special measures brought in during this crisis, and the state benefit system that is now being accessed by so many for the first time.[More ...]

[cover image][48 pages] April 2020
Skills for work - the union response to future needs
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Skills for work sets out the latest policy for learning and skills at the workplace under the new Conservative government. It examines the role and input of trade unions in influencing developments and tackling the issue of access to lifelong learning opportunities as demands for different skills rapidly increase. In a new era for the union learning and skills agenda, Skills for work examines how unions are reacting to and tackling the changing skills needs of the economy as a result of automation, digitalisation and the impact of the climate crisis.[More ...]

[cover image][89 pages] March 2020
Monitoring and surveillance at work - a practical guide for trade union reps
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All new technological innovation creates ways for employers to monitor and control their workers. However, data protection and privacy laws impose important limits on what employers can get away with. In fact, monitoring and surveillance technology can sometimes bring positive benefits to workers, protecting their safety and helping them prove their side of the story in a disciplinary. This updated booklet summarises the key legislation and case law covering privacy at work. It explains the changes brought about by the General Data Protection Regulation and shares examples from organised unions in the workplace from different sectors UK-wide. Reps can also use this practical guide to negotiate effective policies at work.[More ...]
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[cover image][80 pages] September 2019
Union action on climate change - a trade union guide
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Dire warnings that time is running out to tackle rising carbon emissions and global temperatures have propelled the climate change crisis to the top of both union and political agendas. This booklet aims to help trade union reps play their part in tackling the climate emergency and other environmental problems. It looks in detail at: the causes and consequences of climate change; the importance of ensuring a Just Transition and decent jobs in moving towards a low-carbon economy; the role of green union reps; trade union policy on energy generation; union policy, advice, training and action on transport and air pollution; waste and recycling and workplace action to reduce waste. Case studies and examples of how union reps are taking action at their workplaces are detailed throughout.[More ...]

[cover image][80 pages] April 2019
Universal Credit and other in-work benefits - a guide for union reps and workers
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This latest edition of the Labour Research Department’s annual guide to welfare benefits takes account of the major changes in the benefits system, in particular the introduction and roll-out of Universal Credit. Universal Credit and other in-work benefits focuses on the types and rates of in-work benefits available, and includes any changes to the rules for claiming them from 6 April 2019. Trade unionists can play an important role in helping members and their families claim the in-work benefits they are entitled to, billions of which go unclaimed. This booklet aims to help make reps aware of the latest reforms so they can give accurate initial advice.[More ...]

[cover image][112 pages] December 2018
Sickness absence and sick pay - a guide for trade unions and working people
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No-one knows when they might need the support of a good sick pay scheme and a fair absence management policy. The aim of this booklet is to highlight the issues that need to be addressed in securing one, and to help reps support members who are off sick. It takes into account recent developments and trends, such as the rise of "presenteeism" and "leavism", and the growing focus on workplace wellbeing. Examples of good practice from a range of workplaces and collective agreements, as well as up-to-date case law, are included throughout.[More ...]

[cover image][48 pages] March 2018
The General Data Protection Regulation - a practical guide for trade unionists
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The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) updates data protection laws to reflect rapid advances in technology and the growth of the digital economy. The new law introduces important changes to how personal data can be used and organisations will have new responsibilities and duties to fulfil. This LRD booklet explains the main provisions of the GDPR that are relevant to trade unions, setting out the legal framework and providing step-by-step guidance for trade union reps on how to comply with the data protection laws.[More ...]

[cover image][72 pages] November 2016
Using information and consultation rights - a union rep's guide
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The Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations have been in force for more than 10 years. They potentially give reps rights to be informed and consulted on a range of key issues. Initially unions often chose not take up these rights, fearing their position could be undermined. However, there are now signs that opinions are changing, with unions recognising that the regulations can be used successfully to extend union influence and build union organisation. The regulations offer a lot of flexibility, but they are also complex. This booklet guides union reps through them step by step, explaining the possible pitfalls on the way. It is illustrated throughout with cases from the enforcement bodies. Even if reps decide not to use the regulations themselves, they still need to know how they work, as employers can also trigger the process.[More ...]

[cover image][46 pages] May 2016
Social media at work - a practical guide for trade union reps
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Social media has seen a meteoric rise in its use over the last few years. This rapid growth has created new opportunities for reps to reach out to members, but it has also expanded the scope for members to find themselves in trouble at work. This LRD booklet gives reps guidance on how to inform members of the risks associated with social media usage; explains how to draw up a social media policy and how to respond to cyberbullying. Crucially, it explains how to represent members in social media disciplinaries and looks at the approach taken by employment tribunals in their latest rulings. Finally it looks at how unions have been successfully harnessing the power of social networking to reach out to their memberships and the wider public.[More ...]
Save 20% when you buy Social media and Monitoring and Surveillance together - See Social media, monitoring and surveillance at work package for details.

[cover image][72 pages] February 2015
Pay: getting it right - bargaining information for union reps
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While trade unions have stepped up campaigns and collective action to secure pay rises over the last year, in some cases union representatives face the challenge of simply ensuring that workers receive what they should be entitled to from their employers. This booklet provides trade union members and reps with the key information they need when dealing with pay-related issues, whether enforcing statutory rights or negotiating pay increases.[More ...]

[cover image][64 pages] October 2014
Leave and pay for working parents - a guide for trade union reps
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The Children and Families Act 2014, has introduced improved rights for working parents. The new changes include the right to request flexible working for all employees, shared parental leave, entitlement for partners to take time off for up to two antenatal appointments, and adoption leave for individuals and couples intending to adopt. This Labour Research Department guide to leave and pay for working parents explains the new legal rights and provides examples of negotiated agreements to assist reps in bargaining for further improvements. Also covered are maternity rights, paternity leave, surrogacy leave and pay, parental leave, time off for dependants, the health and safety of new and expectant mothers, breastfeeding, leave for fertility treatment and time off for family emergencies.[More ...]

[cover image][88 pages] July 2014
Workplace pensions - a guide for trade union reps
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The coalition government’s radical shake up of both workplace and state pensions is continuing at a startling pace, raising new issues for trade unions wishing to both advise members and represent them in the governance and administration of their pension funds. This Labour Research Department pensions guide examines the new framework of retirement pensions that is being created and the implications of the proposed changes for occupational pensions, private pensions and the State Pension.[More ...]

[cover image][71 pages] April 2013
Working Time Regulations - Application and enforcement
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This guide looks looks in detail at the application and enforcement of the Working Time Regulations in the UK. As well as explaining the overall requirements of the regulations and how they have been amended and extended in a number of important ways, the booklet looks at the common issues relating to working time that union reps may have to deal with, including: what and who the regulations apply to; how they limit weekly working time; how they regulate night and shift work; and what they provide for in the way of breaks, rest periods and annual leave. Case law examples and case studies are used throughout to highlight significant developments and workplace agreements.[More ...]