LRD guides and handbook June 2008
Working time regulations - a guide for union reps
Introduction (1,667 words)
Ten years on from the first implementation of the European Working Time Directive (EWTD) in the UK, the slow decline in the number of people working ... Subscribers only
2. What the regulations apply to (2,774 words)
Defining working time is the starting point for limiting hours and ensuring adequate rest. The development of regulations covering mobile workers, ... Subscribers only
3. Who the regulations apply to (3,064 words)
With the extension of the Working Time Regulations (WTR) to previously excluded sectors in 2003 and the development of parallel regulations for ... Subscribers only
4. Limiting working time (3,136 words)
Working time can be controlled by limiting the hours worked per week, month or year, or by adhering to a minimum amount of rest. The average 48-hour ... Subscribers only
5. Night work and shift working (2,364 words)
There are additional limits to working time for workers involved with night working under the main Working Time Regulations (WTR) and the RTR road ... Subscribers only
6. Rest periods and breaks (3,132 words)
Setting a minimum standard for daily, weekly and in-work rest is at least as important as limiting working time, from the point of view of workers ... Subscribers only
7. Annual leave (2,132 words)
The right to paid holiday has proved to be controversial if the number of tribunal and EAT cases is anything to go by. The fact that employers could ... Subscribers only
8. Working time agreements (690 words)
While the individual opt-out only applies to the 48-hour week under WTR, collective agreements have a wider role to play in adjusting and adapting ... Subscribers only
9. Enforcement (822 words)
The WTR regulations provide workers with a mixture of entitlements that can be upheld by complaint to a tribunal and duties on employers that are ... Subscribers only
Further information (257 words)
Guidance on the main Working Time Regulations 1998 (SI 1998 No.1833) (WTR) is available from the Department for Business Enterprise and Regulatory ... Subscribers only