Workplace Report November 2019

Health & safety - HSE Monitor

Injuries and ill health 

The HSE annual report published at the end of October includes official statistics for work-related ill health and injuries, working days lost, enforcement action and the associated costs.

The figures show around 581,000 workers were injured in 2018-19, with 1.4 million workers suffering from work-related ill-health. The statistics are compiled using the Labour Force Survey and other sources and also show that 147 people were killed at work; 364 cases were prosecuted and resulted in a conviction; fines from convictions totalled £54.5 million; and 28.2 million working days were lost due to work-related illness and workplace injury. 

Unions and safety campaigners say these figures represent just the tip of the iceberg of work-related harm. The Hazards Campaign reports 10 times as many deaths caused by work incidents, at least 1,486; four times as many work-illness deaths, around 50,000; and five times the number of people made ill by work, at least six million.