Fact Service March 2023

Issue 13

Supermarket inflation at new record high

Grocery price inflation in the UK has once again set a record high, adding £837 to annual household bills, according to market analysts Kantar.

Grocery price inflation reached 17.5% over the four weeks to 19 March 2023, exceeding the UK inflation rate of 10.4% CPI, 13.8% RPI.

“It’s more bad news for the British public, who are experiencing the ninth month of double-digit grocery price inflation,” the company said.

Sharon Graham, general secretary of the Unite general union, commented: “Profiteering is happening right along the food supply chain and workers are paying the price.

“It’s more evidence that the British public are hostage to greedflation. It’s time our elected leaders and policy makers woke up to corporate greed and challenged it head on.”
