LRD guides and handbook March 2017

Promoting race equality at work - a union rep's guide


Introduction [pages 3-4] (599 words)

Despite more than five decades of race equality legislation, the largest ever review into race inequality in Great Britain concluded in 2015 that ...
Open access

Chapter 1

1. Why the need for action? [ch 1: page 5] (138 words)

It goes without saying that no one should be discriminated against because of their ethnic background or skin colour – and many assume that there ...
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Unemployment and employment [ch 1: pages 5-6] (308 words)

Pay inequality [ch 1: page 6] (158 words)

Achieving senior positions [ch 1: pages 6-7] (189 words)

Apprenticeships [ch 1: page 7] (78 words)

Migrant workers [ch 1: page 7] (121 words)

Harassment, bullying and abuse [ch 1: pages 7-8] (183 words)

The role of reps [ch 1: page 8] (50 words)

Creating an inclusive workplace [ch 1: page 8] (206 words)

Equality reps [ch 1: pages 8-9] (182 words)

Dealing with employers [ch 1: page 9] (306 words)

Chapter 2

2. The legal backdrop [ch 2: page 10] (153 words)

The main general legislation in England, Scotland and Wales that protects people from race discrimination and provides for race equality is the ...
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Who is protected? [ch 2: pages 10-11] (319 words)

Types of discrimination [ch 2: page 11] (259 words)

Positive action [ch 2: page 12] (337 words)

Public Sector Equality Duty [ch 2: pages 12-15] (843 words)

PSED – opportunities for unions [ch 2: page 16] (47 words)

Assessing equality impact [ch 2: page 16] (262 words)

Practical examples [ch 2: pages 16-18] (595 words)

Chapter 3

3. Equality and diversity policies [ch 3: pages 19-21] (925 words)

A useful way to get employers to commit to addressing under-representation and discrimination and encouraging equality and diversity is for unions ...
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Action plans [ch 3: pages 21-22] (315 words)

Monitoring and review [ch 3: pages 22-24] (998 words)

UNISON’s model equality and diversity policy [ch 3: pages 25-28] (1,081 words)

Chapter 4

4. Equality in recruitment [ch 4: page 29] (69 words)

BAME workers are often unaware of job openings, or are not shortlisted, interviewed or appointed into positions because of the processes used to ...
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The law on discrimination in recruitment [ch 4: page 29] (174 words)

Ensuring BAME people apply [ch 4: pages 29-30] (773 words)

Job descriptions [ch 4: page 32] (168 words)

The selection process [ch 4: page 32] (193 words)

Immigration checks [ch 4: page 33] (298 words)

Chapter 5

5. Equality in employment [ch 5: page 34] (164 words)

The pay differences seen between different ethnic groups come about for a range of reasons which are not always immediately apparent. On a national ...
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Equal pay audits [ch 5: pages 34-35] (577 words)

Promotion [ch 5: pages 35-36] (320 words)

Staff appraisals and performance management [ch 5: pages 36-37] (477 words)

Disciplinary proceedings [ch 5: pages 37-38] (503 words)

Inclusive working practices [ch 5: page 38] (148 words)

Extended leave [ch 5: pages 38-39] (235 words)

Language [ch 5: page 40] (422 words)

Time and facilities for prayer [ch 5: page 41] (347 words)

Food [ch 5: pages 41-42] (218 words)

Dress codes [ch 5: page 42] (179 words)

Social events [ch 5: page 42] (63 words)

Specific health issues [ch 5: page 43] (223 words)

Chapter 6

6. Racism, harassment and bullying [ch 6: page 44] (312 words)

The 2015 Race at work survey carried out for the Business in the Community charity that promotes corporate social responsibility (see pages 6 and 7) ...
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What constitutes harassment or bullying? [ch 6: pages 44-45] (589 words)

Race-specific abuse [ch 6: pages 46-48] (699 words)

Members of far-right organisations [ch 6: page 48] (117 words)

Members’ complaints [ch 6: pages 48-50] (339 words)

Unions tackle post-referendum harassment [ch 6: page 49] (268 words)

Chapter 7

7. Union recruitment and organising [ch 7: pages 51-52] (994 words)

Pushing employers in the direction of policies and practices to reduce inequalities and promote diversity has the additional benefit of making the ...
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Further information

9. Further information [page 54] (301 words)

The Employment and Human Rights Commission is the statutory body for equality in Great Britain. It produces a wide range ...
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